Tag Archives: skateboarding

i strongly dislike scooters

This weekend kinda sucked. I also really don’t like scooters.

On saturday I was having a pretty good day. I woke up and had a nice breakfast, walked my dog and hung out for a while. The weather was nice and it was also Earth Day. So overall a great morning.

I packed up my filming stuff and got ready to go to the skatepark to film some videos. Last year I made a skate video on Earth day with all my friends. It’s on youtube so you can go check it out if you want. Comment below if you liked it.

Anyways I get a ride to the skatepark and meet up with my friends Kai and Ben. I saw a poster outside the skatepark. I was curious on what it was so I walked over and read it and saw that there was going to be a signing and demo next week on Tuesday. I looked at who was going to the signing, and saw that it was mostly all of my favorite skaters. Eric Koston, Andrew Reynolds, AVE, Guy Mariano, etc. Those guys are at the top of skateboarding and are technically legends in the skateboarding community. I can’t believe they are coming to Santa Barbara.

Anyways that made my day better, and I started skating with my friends. I landed a new trick called a Varial Flip Sex Change which took a couple tries but it was cool. It was pretty hot so we sat in the shade and enjoyed our Saturday afternoon.

So far I’m having a great day. But this is when everything goes down hill.

I was just riding my skateboard around when out of nowhere, a scooter kid flies out of the bowl and spins his scooter around over his head. And then he smashed my shoulder with his scooter. I turned around and was like Wata heck but he didn’t seem to care much.

I was pretty annoyed but also my shoulder was hurting pretty bad. Scooters are so annoying. They are always cutting skaters off and cause chaos in the skateparks.

Anyways, I went home and saw that my shoulder was pretty swollen and I couldn’t fully rotate it anymore. I put on an arm sling to make it feel better and sat on the couch and watched some tv. I was pretty angry and annoyed that I got injured from something that was not my fault.

This was pretty much the end of my weekend and I just spent the rest drawing and icing my shoulder. 


Happy Earth Day!

and if you scooter, you should definitely quit

mellow weekend


I went to school and then went to a little bit of practice then went home. I hung out for a while then went to do community service. After community service, I biked home then made  a smoothie and watched some Netflix. I haven’t been watching Dexter as much as I used to and now I am watching a show called Steven Universe because my friend Carter has been begging me to watch it for a few months.

This was pretty much my day and I didn’t do much for the rest.


Today I am going to skate. I texted my friend Christian and made plans to skate later in the day.

I got out of bed and made some breakfast. I cooked some potato’s, eggs, a bagel and a smoothie. In this smoothie, I put in strawberries, acai, banana, pineapple, mango, kale, spinach, honey, yogurt, orange juice, almond milk, chia seeds and some lemon juice. A pretty big breakfast.

I went into my backyard and decided to sell a surfboard that I used to ride when I was in like 6th grade. I took some pictures then posted it on craigslist.

surf board

It’s a Channel Islands Fred Rubble and is 5’6″.

Comment below if you are interested in buying.

I then went inside and saw that the paper that I ordered has been delivered.


Pretty cool stuff.

I hung out in my living room and read some books.


This was one of the books that I read. It was a photo book with pictures from this photographer named Stoner Ron.  He is a photographer from the 70s and shoots many surf photos. This book was pretty cool.

I had some lunch with my dad and then went to the skatepark to meet up with Christian.

The moment I got there, I regretted going because it was so windy. Christian was still skating but I just decided to take some pictures and hangout.

I got picked up around 5 and went home. I watched some more Stevens Universe then went to bed.

Pretty cool day.


I guess I’ll skate again today. I went to the skatepark and met up with my friends Will and Christian. Christian left when I got there to get some lunch with his 7th grade scooter friends. Will and I kept skating but soon got exhausted from the heat and had to sit down for a bit.

We skated over to Rusty’s to get some lunch with Merrick and Eric.

I got picked up after then went home. Then my dad and I went to Trader Joe’s to do some grocery shopping. We got some meat and some buns to make a burger later.

We went home and set up the barbecue and started cooking.


We ate then went to bed.

This weekend was pretty mellow, comment below what you did.














Spring Break Part 2


I woke up and made a smoothie. We didn’t have any more orange juice so I squeezed some fresh ones. Fresh squeezed orange juice is a lot sweeter in my opinion. I also put in some strawberries, banana, pinneaple, yogurt, honey, kale and some spinach.


I drank the smoothie, did some drivers ed and wacthed some Netflix. I started a new show called Dexter, it’s pretty good. I’m already on season 3 but season 3 is kinda boring. Comment below if you like Dexter, don’t spoil anything though.

Charlie texed me to skate so we met up at the skatepark. We filmed a couple tricks. It was way too hot to skate so I decided to go home. I did some more drivers ed and watched some more of Dexter then went to bed.


Another skate day. I woke up, made another smoothie and did a little more of drivers ed.

I made a sandwhich with avocados, turkey, tomatoes, lettuce and cheese. It was pretty good.

I went to the skatepark around 1 and met up with my friends Colin and Tanner.

I tried a trick for about an hour but never landed it. Around 6, Colin and I left the skatepark and biked over to Tanner’s house. My bike broke half way there so I had to walk my bike.

We had some pasta at Tanner’s and watched Superbad. I’ve seen this movie many times but it never gets old.

We went to some party around 9 and got home around 11.

We were all exhausted and we hung out in Tanner’s room and played some video games. We went to bed.


We woke up around 9. I got picked up around 9:30 and walked the dog with my dad.

We then went to Hendry’s beach to wash our dog. It’s a pretty good deal because you get 10 minutes to wash and they have all kinds of shampoo and stuff. Comment below if you’ve ever washed you dog there.

I was pretty tired so I didn’t make any other plans and just went home instead. I showered and stuff and got into my pj’s and did some more drivers ed. Drivers ed is so boring.

I watched some more of Dexter and Louie.

Jorge texted me around 5 and asked if I wanted to skate tomorrow. I said sure and went to bed.

Pretty normal day.


I slept in today.

I went to the skatepark. Jorge ended up not coming but I met up with some other friends.

I skated mostly all day and did some filming.

Did some drawings later that day..



Last day of spring break 😦

I went to swim practice. It was my first time swimming in like 2 weeks and it was terrible.

I went home and just watched some netflix and enjoyed the last bit of spring break with my dog.


spring break in santa barbara

Spring break is pretty good, except I’ve been pretty sick the whole time


First day of spring break.

Today I woke around 6:30 and made some breakfast and walked the dog. Then I got dropped off at the beach to play some beach volley ball with Charlie, Christian and some other friends.

I’ve never really played volleyball before so it was a little nerve racking but everyone was friendly so everything was cool. I kinda got the hang of it after a while and played a couple matches.

It was really hot and I got sunburnt pretty bad.


After volleyball Chase, Charlie, Christian, Jack and I all went to the Habit and got some food. We were all pretty tired.

Jack got picked up and the rest of us drove over to the skatepark. The skatepark got boring really quick so we all decided to just walk around on the beach.

daquan vs gap

Charlie and Chase decided to go to Sam’s house but I was pretty tired so I decided to take the bus home.


I am sore.

I went to the skatepark. For some reason I skate really well when I’m sore. I don’t know why.

I met up with my friends Tiger and Christian.

Tiger is really good at transition skating. He is also really nice.

We tried airing over this gap called the channel gap witch is a gap that goes from the bowl to the quarter pipe. But it is hard because we have to clear a 5 ft gap.

We tried for about 30 minutes but never landed it.

I got picked up around 5:00 by my dad and went home.


I don’t feel like skating today.

My dad and I went to go walk our dog. We took our dog the a park near by and hung out there for a while.

We spent about an hour there then walked back home. Then went to In n Out to get some lunch. I was hungrier than usual so I got a double double.

After that we went to Carp to go pick up some of our stuff from our family friend’s house. They have an extra storage area so we keep some of our stuff in there.

We found some old records and some cool vintage clothes.

some of the records

Overall a pretty good day.


Mostly skateboarding and hanging out with some friends.

Did some drawings, heres one.

just another drawing

My spring break is not too exciting but it is very relaxing.

Comment below what you guys are doing for spring break.

I suck at snowboarding



Today I’m going to Kings Canyon!

I woke up at 6:30, ate a banana, got in the car, and drove to school.

We got into the bus at 7:20ish and left the school around 8:00.


It was a pretty long drive and we stopped to get some lunch around noon.

We got to Kings Canyon around 2.

Tobias, Lamont and Sharp

We all hung out in the parking lot for a while and then went to get out rooms. I roomed with Cody, Matt and Josh. We all settled in and then went for a little walk around the lake. During this walk, we all had a small snowball fight halfway through the walk.

I got nailed in the face 2 times by Cody.

josh a few seconds before getting hit in the head

The first day was pretty mellow. After the walk we all had a little bit of freetime so my friends and I went to inner tube at a hill nearby.

We had fun and came back and drank some hot chocolate and played ping pong. Around 7:00 I got a super bad headache so I took a little nap in my room while everyone else was in the jacuzzi. Around 8 we all met up on the first floor to do some team building activities.

At this point, my head was  a little bit better but still hurt.

We all went upstairs to sleep around 9:30. Surprisingly it was’t cold at all.

Overall the first day was a really good day.


Day 2 of Kings Canyon!

I woke up at around 7:00 and took a shower. It looked sunny outside and I was excited for my day.

I walked down stairs around 8:00 and saw that everyone was already eating breakfast. So I got some eggs and pancakes and sat down next to Lamont, Jack, Nico and Bram.  Later, Josh, Cody and Matt joined us.

Dan had a little talk in the beginning and told us that we were going for another walk.

This walk was a little longer than yesterday’s but was more fun. Everyone started sliding on their stomachs down hills like penguins.

Most of us all went off the trail and explored a little bit around the trail. We found a spot to do some jumps off of and my friend Carter did a front flip off of it.

We all stopped walking after about a mile and decided to hangout there for a while. We had another snow ball fight but this time more serious. It was all fun and games until my friend Charlie threw a huge clump of ice on my back. It hurt pretty bad so I just sat down and talked with other people.

Charlie… Daquan?

We all walked back and had some lunch. After lunch, everybody decided to go snowboarding so I went with them. I’ve never been snowboarding.

We all borrowed some gear and walked around to find some cool spots. Charlie, Christian, Sharp, Kai and I found a pretty decent hill. Charlie started building a ramp while we all strapped our feet in.

Josh, Sharp, London

I first went down the hill and fell many times. It was a lot harder than I expected and I thought that it would be similar tp skateboarding and surfing. Guess not.

After about an hour I was kinda over it so decided to go change my socks and grab my GoPro.

On the first day, I did’nt get many cool videos.

My friend Solomon fell pretty hard.

We finsihed snowboarding around 4:30 and decided to put our feet in the jacuzzi.

We hungout in there until dinner. I got out a little early so that I can shower and change before dinner.

For dinner we had pasta and I hangout with some of my friends. After dinner everyone went to the jacuzzi but I decided to stay inside and hangout with Lamont, Brianna and Walker. Walker and Lamont taught me a little bit about guitar.

Later around 8:30 we all gathered up and had another group activity. But this time a lot more serious that last nights.

I learned a lot about my classmates through these activities and I thought that it was a good experience.

We all got cereal after and went to bed.

Another good day


I woke up extremely sore. ugh

I took a ghetto shower and brushed my teeth and got into warm clothes. For those of you who are not familiar with “ghetto showers”, it means to dunk your head under the sink and get your hair wet. Comment below if you have ever taken a ghetto shower.

I went downstairs and had some breakfast. There was green eggs and I was really confused for a while but later realized that it was St. Patricks day. Dan had a little talk and told us that we had free time until 11 so my friends and I decided to go snowboarding again. I decided not to snowboard today and instead just bring a sled up and film.


I hit the jump a couple times on the sled but it started hurting more and more so I decided to stop. The jump from yesterday was a lot icier today so we decided not to use it today. So we all walked a little bit up hill to another nice area and built another jump there. This new jump was a little more scarier because there was a tree right next to the landing.

snowboard squad

Everyone was very encouraging and supportive of each other, and it was a good time.

We all finished snowboarding around 10:30 and headed back to the lodge to pack up. I put my feet under the heater for about 10 minutes.

Around 12 we made sandwiches and got into the bus.

It was sad to leave and the trip felt really short, but I was also looking forward to the warmer weather.

The bus ride back was a lot more quiet than the bus ride up since everyone was either asleep or too tired to talk.

We got back to SB around 6 and I got picked up.

It was a really nice trip and gave me some time to set my mind off school work and other things. I got to bond closer with friends and also got to meet many new ones. Overall I thought it was a really good trip and I’m glad that I got the opportunity to go on it.


I woke up and couldn’t feel my legs.

I went to the skatepark later and just hangout with my friends and talked about the trip.

I didn’t skate much and instead just took some pictures on my phone.

gabe-frontside ollie
jackson-backside wallride

I slept over at Tanner’s house with Jorge.

We didn’t do much, just played some video games and talked about conspiracy theories.

Pretty normal sleepover.


Woke up around 7 and rode our bikes down to Eller’s donuts to get some breakfast. Eller’s is my favorite donut shop in Santa Barbara.


I went home and didn’t do anything for the rest of the day.

I just read some books and watched some netflix.

Overall was a pretty mellow day.


I posted a video with the footage I got in Kings Canyon on my instagram @ryo_nish

If you want, you can go check out. Leave a comment below if you liked it. Thanks

Feels like Summer


Today I went to school like usual then had swim practice after. Today’s swim practice was pretty easy and fun. After practice, I got picked up and went home. I made a sandwhich and sat down for a while.

About 30 minutes later, I went to do some community service. For community service, I help teach Japanese at a church.

After community service, I went home and hung out in my backyard with my dog.


Later that night we had curry. Comment below if you like curry.

Overall it was a pretty mellow day.


I woke up feeling good today. I wasn’t tired nor sleepy and I got up quickly. It was warm and sunny outside and felt kinda like summer.

I made a smoothie with strawberries, bananas, orange juice, almond milk, honey, pinneaples, spinach and kale. I drank that and watched some adventure time and listened to music.

I got a ride to the skatepark around 12pm and met up with my friends, Kai, Ben, Oli, Tanner and Owen. It was kind of a crappy skate day because I haven’t skated for a week. I haven’t been skating as much as I used to in 9th grade because I joined club waterpolo and swim team.

We skated for a while and also played a group game of s.k.a.t.e. For those of you who do not know what s.k.a.t.e is, it is kind of like the game P.I.G in basketball where one person sets a trick and the rest of the people have to do the same thing or they get a letter. And first one to spell out s.k.a.t.e loses. Kai and I were the judges, but soon we all got too hot so we decided to jump in the ocean. The ocean was really nice and it remembered me of summer when I would spend all day at the skatepark then jump in the ocean when I got hot.

ben and owen

After the beach we walked back to the skatepark but we were all too tired to skate so we just sat out side the skatepark and hung out. I decided that I was too tired to do anything so I hopped on the bus and went home.

I had some pasta and watched View from a Blue Moon.

It’s a really good video if you guys haven’t see it yet.


I woke up to a call from Jorge around 8.

He asked me to hangout so I met up with him at the skatepark.

But he left 5 minutes after I got to the skatepark.


When I got home my dad gave me a record he found at the flea market.

jerry garcia


The time change is killing me.. waking up was awful


This week I’m going to Kings Canyon, I will post about it next week.

chlorine is gonna kill me

Lots of competition this weekend..


Today I went to school. AP World was kinda hard because we had to write a DBQ essay.

For lunch I had a sandwhich then I headed to the pool.

Today is our first swim competition for high school. I walked into the pool and saw a list on the wall on the events that we are swimming. I am gonna swim a 6×50 freestyle relay and a 4×50 breastroke relay.

I was pretty happy with the events that I was swimming since they are two of my favorite strokes.

Around 2, I had my first event.  My team was RJ, Quinn, Jose, Mac and Chase. We went against DP, SM, Buena and Ventura and ended up getting 3rd place.

Right after that event, I had my next one. This one kinda sucked because when I finished my first 25m, I smacked my face on the wall. It’s okay though because we got 2nd place.

waiting for my event

In the beginning I was really nervous, but in the end, I thought it was really fun. We are going against Thousand Oaks next Wednesday.

JV boys ended up tying 1st place with another school.

Looking forward to the next comp.


After the swim meet I went over to my friend, Bens house.

We just hungout and listened to music and later, Tanner came over.

Later that day, we met up with our friends Lily, Haley, Caitlyn and Keely. We all went to San Roque to another friends house which was kinda fun but I was really tired.

We got picked up around 10 by Ben’s sister and went home.

I was exhausted at this point and decided to go to bed.

Overall a good day


We woke up around 8 and listened to “Box of Rain” by the Grateful Dead on Ben’s record player.


We got up and Ben made us a smoothie and we hung out in his living room for a while. Comment below if you like smoothies. Ben played the guitar and Tanner and I hung out with his cats, Harry and Tiki.

ben playing guitar

It was a really nice morning and the weather was perfect.

Harry and Tiki

I got picked up by my dad around 10:30 and we went to go wash my dog at Hendry’s beach.

washing kuma

We got donuts at Eller’s and went home.

I decided to work on my DBQ essay so I made my self a sandwhich and started writing.

A hour went by and I finished most of the essay but I decided to do the rest on Monday night.

Around 2, I decided to go to the skatepark and hangout with my friend Moses.

It was a pretty good skate day until I fell really hard.

I decided to go home and sleep.


Today I woke up at 6 and drove to starbucks to meet up with my friend Kai and Colton.

Today I have 3 scrimmages down in Agoura.


We drove down and got there around 9. No one was there so we just walked around and sat by the pool. Around 9:30 everyone started showing up.  We got in at 10:00 and started warming up. We had our first scrimmage against LA Premier C team. It was a pretty fun game and we ended up winning 11-2.

post game, Kai Miguel Miller and Kai

We had our next game in an hour. It was really cold while waiting. We played LA Premier A team and they were a lot better than the first team. We lost 6-9. Finally we played the Titans, and lost again 6-9.

Overall it was a really fun day and we got the Habit afterwards. I got dropped off by Kai’s dad and took a nap. I was exhausted.

Later that night I watched netflix and went to bed.


Today we have a swim meet against Thousand Oaks!

I was pretty excited since it was really hot out. I walked into the pool deck and walked up to the list of the events.

200 Medley Relay

200 Freestyle

200 Freestyle Relay

100 Breast Stroke

UGHHHHHHH. 200 free will kill me.

My first event, I swam a 50 fly in the relay and it wasn’t too bad. We ended up getting 3rd place. Then came the 200 free…

I stepped up on the block and heard the referee say “On your marks, get set..”

Oh god


I dove in and started swimming, the first 100 wasn’t too bad but then on the 3rd 50 I started getting really tired.

By the time I finished I felt like a dead fish.

I got out the pool and collapsed onto a bench.

Worst thing ever.

I had about an hour break and then my next event was a 50 free in the 200 Freestyle Relay.

It wasn’t too bad.

Finally about 20 minutes later, I had my last event, the 100 breast stroke. I think I got like 4th place.

Overall it was a really fun swim meet but I got really tired.

I went home and slept immediately.


Really long week full of swimming and waterpolo.

The chlorine is killing me.

skate skate skate

A weekend full of skateboarding..


Today I went to school. I’m glad that we didn’t have an AP World History test today.

After school I went to the skatepark and hung out with my friends, Will and Moses.

will hanging out with a dog

Around 6:30, I skated up state street and met up with Haley Ben Caitlyn and Lily to go watch a movie.

We saw the movie Get Out. I thought it was a pretty good movie but confusing at some parts. I was confused because it was a horror movie but everyone in the theatre was laughing a lot.

After the movie, we all walked to Ben’s house and hung out there for a while. I got picked up around 10 and went home.


Woke up today and felt a little bit tired.

I got up and made a smoothie and went to go walk my dog. My dog is a 2 year old lab/golden retriever named Kuma.

After walking my dog, I got my skateboard and went to the skatepark to meet up with some friends. I met up with Christian, Ben, Tanner, Kai and Moses. After about an hour, most of my friends left.

I decided to stay with Christian and skate for a little longer. We decided to film a little edit.

moses// wallie
christian oneal// indie grab over box

Over all today was a pretty mellow day.


Today I woke up and got a text message from my friend Jorge. Jorge is a friend of mine and we haven’t hung out for a while since we go to different schools and he doesn’t skate as much anymore.

So we decided to meet up at the park and skate together.

I also decided to film a little more for the edit that I am putting together. So far the video is looking pretty good but I will need to get more clips to finish it.

jorge// ollie

Christian showed up to the skatepark and we decided to go get some pizza. There is a rusty’s right down the street from the skatepark so we decided to eat there.

We came back to the skatepark pretty full, I didn’t feel like skating so I decided to film and take pictures of my friends.

tanner// early indie grab
jackson// method grab

I got a couple cool pictures..

We got tired of skating so we decided to just mess around and take pictures.


This was pretty much my whole weekend.. skateboarding, taking pictures, filming and hanging out.

Comment below what you thought of this weeks blog..


This weeks drawings:


Rainy Day Daydream

not much skating this week because of the rain..


I went to school like usual, today was the last day of school because of the 4 day weekend. I had plans for the weekend but now they’re all canceled because of the rain.

After school, I went home and ate some food. Around 5, I left my house to go to water polo practice.

After practice, a few friends and I decided to go get some food.


We went to CPK and hung out there for a while.

I got picked up around 10 and went home. I got some ice cream and watched Louie till I got tired..


First day of the 4 day weekend! I woke up excited to go outside and skate. But then looked out the window and saw that it was pouring.


I sat around for an hour trying to see what my friends were doing but they all decided to stay home.

I made some lunch, sat down, watched some Adventure Time and started drawing. Usually when it is raining, I watch the episode “Rainy Day Daydream.”


After a few hours, I was really bored. I decided to stop drawing and just watch a movie. I watched Super Bad. It was my 3rd time watching this movie.

pretty mellow and boring day..¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Pretty much the same deal as Friday.

More drawings and more movies, no skateboarding.


The rain finally cleared up, so I decided to go skate with some friends. I met up with Colin, Jakob and Christian at the skatepark and skated for a while.

Around 3, I got picked up and went to my mom’s birthday dinner. We went to Lure Fish House. It was pretty good.

We got home around 6 and I decided to start editing a new video. Recently I started a skate video series called “Sweeties” with a couple of my friends. So far we only have one video out but I am planning on making more in the future. I post all my videos on YouTube so go check them out if you want.  Comment below if you do..


Woke up today and saw that it rained over night. So i guess no skateboarding today…

My friend Ben texted me to come over so I went to his house around 11. My friend Tanner was at Ben’s house when I got their.

We decided to walk over to the Daily Grind on De La Vina street to get something to eat.

walking to Daily Grind

I got hot chocolate, tanner got a bagel, and ben got coffee.

We walked back to Ben’s and decided to invite Colin over. When Colin came over, Ben and Colin started to play the guitar.

colin on left, ben on right

Later that day, we decided to go to the thrift shop to see if their was anything cool. Didn’t find much..

I got picked up around 5 and went home. I started on my AP World notes and went to bed.


My friend Francesca asked me to draw a picture of her..

the picture francesca asked me to draw


a long weekend..

Very busy weekend. I am really tired..


On Tuesday night I didn’t have much homework to do, so i decided to draw. Usually each drawing takes about 5-10 min each, but sometimes the could take a couple hours.

part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
bmw e22


Friday, I went to school like usual and then went home afterwards. Around 6, I decided to go hangout with some friends. We were gonna go hiking but it was raining so we decided not to. Instead we went to go see the movie Split.

post split

Split was pretty good, I definitely recommend watching it but it was a little disturbing in some of the scenes.

Comment below what you thought of Split if you have already watched it.


I skated all day on Saturday. I woke up around 6 AM and made some breakfast. Ate a bagel, drank a glass of orange juice and left the house. I went to my friend Colin’s house first to hang out for a bit.

Colin is one of my very close friends. He likes to skate, play music and draw.

Colin playing “Wish you were here” by Pink Floyd

We left his house around 10. We biked down to the skate park and hung out around there the whole day.

on our way to the skatepark

Colin left around 2 to hangout with a girl. I stayed at the skatepark and hung out with Christian and Charlie.

At this point, I was already really tired so I just sat down and watched my friends skate. Usually when I’m tired, I either film my friends, take photos or just talk to someone.  I enjoy making skate videos in my free time at home.

Colin came back from his “date” in a very good mood. It was a little bit annoying, so Charlie and I just ignored him while he was talking all about it.

Colin and I left around 5 and went back to his house…

Colin and his family had to go to a birthday party so I had to go with them.

brandi’s 18th

Got back to Colin’s around 10, and just went to bed.


Woke up around 9 and had a bagel again. I really like bagel’s.

We texted a couple of friends and decided to go skate some street. I don’t really like street skating but I just went with them because no one else was at the skatepark.

my buddy will

We skated street until around 2 and decided to just go to the skatepark.

my friend Emilio

Went home around 5 and I was exhausted. Too much skating.

I started my AP world history notes, had dinner, and watched a few episodes of Louie..


Follow my instagram for more..
